Emergency Dentist Servicing Melbourne & CBD


There are a number of situations where it is necessary to seek emergency dental treatments or diagnosis. Issues can range from a simple toothache that won’t respond to treatment, chipped and broken teeth, mouth ulcers and gum issues, through to serious decay and infections.

We understand that dental emergencies don’t happen on schedule, so we try and leave appointments open daily for patients suffering acute pain or a dental injury, and requiring an emergency dentist in Melbourne or Frankston.

Which Dental Issues Require an Emergency Dentist?

Tooth pain and discomfort is rarely something that gets better without attention from a dentist, and in most case will deteriorate over time if not attended to. We highly recommend getting in touch with one of our clinics and booking an emergency dentist appointment if you are suffering from any of the following:

  • Abscesses on base of tooth or gums
  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Cracked or missing fillings
  • Fractured dentures
  • Infection
  • Loose or cracked crowns
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Suspected root canal problems
  • Toothache and gum pain
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth knocked out
  • Wisdom teeth issues

We try to accommodate all dental emergencies on the day, with dedicated time set aside for patients with acute needs.

What Do I Do in a Dental Emergency?

That depends on a few factors.

  • The time – If the emergency is outside of clinic hours, you may need to seek treatment from a specialised emergency team such as your local hospital. If it occurs during or close to our clinic hours, call ahead to secure an immediate appointment, and explain over the phone in as much detail what the issue is so we can prepare for your arrival.
  • The severity – Sudden onset pains and acute or severe tooth and gum pain should never be ignored. You should book with James Peter Dentist as soon as possible so we can assess and treat the emergency.
  • Exposed nerve or a knocked out tooth – These are always urgent cases as you are fighting time to try and keep the tooth alive. In the case of a knocked out tooth, rinse it as soon as possible with fresh milk, and try and insert the tooth back into the mouth to prevent the tooth from dying. Never handle the tooth by the root, only by the crown, and if you can refit the tooth immediately, keep it in fresh milk until you arrive at the dentist to prevent damage to the sensitive root.

In almost every case where there is pain in the mouth or teeth, we would recommend at least a precautionary check up with James Peter Dentist to ensure there is no damage that needs to be addressed.

Have a dental emergency? Get in touch with our CBD clinic on (03) 9650 1550 or Frankston on (03) 9781 1977 straight away to book an appointment.